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0SR9019TP- 2007 Exam 2 Hip Replacement Treatment

Life Cycle Stock Analyzer Views

Hip Replacement Costs

This tool generates a variety of basic life cycle stock statistics for DevTreks capital budgets and operating budgets.

Calculation View Description
Sample health care treatment cost used in a tutorial. v220a

Version: 1.7.0

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Step 1 of 3. Make Selections

Date: 2013-06-01T00:00:00

Step 2 of 3. Analyze

Step 3 of 3. Save

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Step 1

  • Step 1. Base Calculations To Analyze: Make sure the data being analyzed corresponds to either operating budgets or capital budgets.
  • Step 1. Analysis Type: Totals add together the resource stocks being analyzed. Mean and Standard deviationis not available yet.

Step 2

  • Step 2. Use Same Calculator Pack In Descendants?: True to insert or update this same calculator in children.
  • Step 2. What If Tag Name: Instructional videos explaining the use of what-if scenario calculations should be viewed before changing or using this parameter.
  • Step 2. Related Calculators Type: Name of the "Related Calculator Type" found in descendants. Runs calculations using the data found in those descendant linked views. This property takes precedence over the "Base Resoure Calculations to Analyze Type" property.

Step 3

  • Step 3. Save Using: The Save command saves xml data the Save Text command saves csv data.

Reminder: The 'Resource Stock Totals' analyzer requires running the underlying NPV calculator after inserting, deleting, or updating, this linked view (that keeps the NPV calculator's linked views synchronized with these linkedviews).

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0SR9019TP- 2007 Exam 2 Hip Replacement Treatment
Investment Group : DRG469- Major Joint Replacement or Reattachment of Lower Extremity
SubBenefit Name SubBenefit Amount SubBenefit Unit SubBenefit Price SubBenefit Total SubBenefit Unit Total SubBenefit Label
Totals --- Total Revenue Total EAA Total LCB Total Unit Benefit
Totals --- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SubCost Name SubCost Amount SubCost Unit SubCost Price SubCost Total SubCost Unit Total SubCost Label
Materials, General 3.000 each 1,032.00 1,032.00 1,032.00 OSR9019M1
These materials include paper dress, room preparation, and sundry materials.
Labor, Nurse 19.000 hour 796.00 2,109.00 2,109.00 OSR9019L1
This labor includes answering phone calls, minor check ups, and administrative visits.
Drugs, Pain Relief, Drug 01 104.500 pill 341.75 1,338.50 1,338.50 OSR9019D1
This drug, Drug 01, is used for pain relief medicine used by the patient. These are taken three times a day for 4 weeks. And then one time a day for two weeks. The references not that a combination of ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Room, Hospital Stay 3.500 day 1,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 OSR9019R1
This is the daily charge for staying in the hospital. It covers all expenses.
Overhead, Administrative 7,810.000 0.28 2,186.80 2,186.80 OSR9019A1
Administrative overhead is calculated as 28% of the total surgery cost. The cost includes the facilities, staff, and equipment, associated with the surgery.
Profit 9,997.000 percent 0.21 2,099.37 2,099.37 OSR9019P1
Profit is calculated as 21% of the total surgery cost.
Tests, X-Rays 1.000 set 120.00 120.00 120.00 OSR9019T1
These are standard x-rays of the hip area.
Laboratory Fees 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019T1.
Laboratory fees are associated with taking x-rays.
Transportation, Taxi 401.000 mile 301.25 800.00 800.00 OSR9019H1
These expenses are for hiring a taxi to go shopping and to visit the hospital. Four trips are taken each week for five weeks.
Totals Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Totals 0.00 0.00 14945.67 14945.67 14945.67 794.97
Investment :
SubBenefit Name SubBenefit Amount SubBenefit Unit SubBenefit Price SubBenefit Total SubBenefit Unit Total SubBenefit Label
Totals --- Total Revenue Total EAA Total LCB Total Unit Benefit
Totals --- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SubCost Name SubCost Amount SubCost Unit SubCost Price SubCost Total SubCost Unit Total SubCost Label
Materials, General 3.000 each 1,032.00 1,032.00 1,032.00 OSR9019M1
These materials include paper dress, room preparation, and sundry materials.
Labor, Nurse 19.000 hour 796.00 2,109.00 2,109.00 OSR9019L1
This labor includes answering phone calls, minor check ups, and administrative visits.
Drugs, Pain Relief, Drug 01 104.500 pill 341.75 1,338.50 1,338.50 OSR9019D1
This drug, Drug 01, is used for pain relief medicine used by the patient. These are taken three times a day for 4 weeks. And then one time a day for two weeks. The references not that a combination of ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Room, Hospital Stay 3.500 day 1,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 OSR9019R1
This is the daily charge for staying in the hospital. It covers all expenses.
Overhead, Administrative 7,810.000 0.28 2,186.80 2,186.80 OSR9019A1
Administrative overhead is calculated as 28% of the total surgery cost. The cost includes the facilities, staff, and equipment, associated with the surgery.
Profit 9,997.000 percent 0.21 2,099.37 2,099.37 OSR9019P1
Profit is calculated as 21% of the total surgery cost.
Tests, X-Rays 1.000 set 120.00 120.00 120.00 OSR9019T1
These are standard x-rays of the hip area.
Laboratory Fees 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019T1.
Laboratory fees are associated with taking x-rays.
Transportation, Taxi 401.000 mile 301.25 800.00 800.00 OSR9019H1
These expenses are for hiring a taxi to go shopping and to visit the hospital. Four trips are taken each week for five weeks.
Totals Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Totals 0.00 0.00 14945.67 14945.67 14945.67 794.97
Time Period : 0SR9019TP- 2007 Exam 2 Hip Replacement Treatment
SubBenefit Name SubBenefit Amount SubBenefit Unit SubBenefit Price SubBenefit Total SubBenefit Unit Total SubBenefit Label
Totals --- Total Revenue Total EAA Total LCB Total Unit Benefit
Totals --- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SubCost Name SubCost Amount SubCost Unit SubCost Price SubCost Total SubCost Unit Total SubCost Label
Materials, General 3.000 each 1,032.00 1,032.00 1,032.00 OSR9019M1
These materials include paper dress, room preparation, and sundry materials.
Labor, Nurse 19.000 hour 796.00 2,109.00 2,109.00 OSR9019L1
This labor includes answering phone calls, minor check ups, and administrative visits.
Drugs, Pain Relief, Drug 01 104.500 pill 341.75 1,338.50 1,338.50 OSR9019D1
This drug, Drug 01, is used for pain relief medicine used by the patient. These are taken three times a day for 4 weeks. And then one time a day for two weeks. The references not that a combination of ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Room, Hospital Stay 3.500 day 1,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 OSR9019R1
This is the daily charge for staying in the hospital. It covers all expenses.
Overhead, Administrative 7,810.000 0.28 2,186.80 2,186.80 OSR9019A1
Administrative overhead is calculated as 28% of the total surgery cost. The cost includes the facilities, staff, and equipment, associated with the surgery.
Profit 9,997.000 percent 0.21 2,099.37 2,099.37 OSR9019P1
Profit is calculated as 21% of the total surgery cost.
Tests, X-Rays 1.000 set 120.00 120.00 120.00 OSR9019T1
These are standard x-rays of the hip area.
Laboratory Fees 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019T1.
Laboratory fees are associated with taking x-rays.
Transportation, Taxi 401.000 mile 301.25 800.00 800.00 OSR9019H1
These expenses are for hiring a taxi to go shopping and to visit the hospital. Four trips are taken each week for five weeks.
Totals Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Totals 0.00 0.00 14945.67 14945.67 14945.67 794.97
0SR9019- 2007 Replace Hip Joint with Metal Syn Subs, Cem, Open
SubBenefit Name SubBenefit Amount SubBenefit Unit SubBenefit Price SubBenefit Total SubBenefit Unit Total SubBenefit Label
Totals --- Total Revenue Total EAA Total LCB Total Unit Benefit
Totals --- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SubBenefit Name SubBenefit Amount SubBenefit Unit SubBenefit Price SubBenefit Total SubBenefit Unit Total SubBenefit Label
0SR9019 2- 2007 Replace Hip Joint with Metal Syn Subs, Cem, Open
SubCost Name SubCost Amount SubCost Unit SubCost Price SubCost Total SubCost Unit Total SubCost Label
Materials, General 3.000 each 1,032.00 1,032.00 1,032.00 OSR9019M1
These materials include paper dress, room preparation, and sundry materials.
Labor, Nurse 19.000 hour 796.00 2,109.00 2,109.00 OSR9019L1
This labor includes answering phone calls, minor check ups, and administrative visits.
Drugs, Pain Relief, Drug 01 104.500 pill 341.75 1,338.50 1,338.50 OSR9019D1
This drug, Drug 01, is used for pain relief medicine used by the patient. These are taken three times a day for 4 weeks. And then one time a day for two weeks. The references not that a combination of ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Room, Hospital Stay 3.500 day 1,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 OSR9019R1
This is the daily charge for staying in the hospital. It covers all expenses.
Overhead, Administrative 7,810.000 0.28 2,186.80 2,186.80 OSR9019A1
Administrative overhead is calculated as 28% of the total surgery cost. The cost includes the facilities, staff, and equipment, associated with the surgery.
Profit 9,997.000 percent 0.21 2,099.37 2,099.37 OSR9019P1
Profit is calculated as 21% of the total surgery cost.
Tests, X-Rays 1.000 set 120.00 120.00 120.00 OSR9019T1
These are standard x-rays of the hip area.
Laboratory Fees 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019T1.
Laboratory fees are associated with taking x-rays.
Transportation, Taxi 401.000 mile 301.25 800.00 800.00 OSR9019H1
These expenses are for hiring a taxi to go shopping and to visit the hospital. Four trips are taken each week for five weeks.
Totals Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Totals 0.00 0.00 14945.67 14945.67 14945.67 794.97
SubCost Name SubCost Amount SubCost Unit SubCost Price SubCost Total SubCost Unit Total SubCost Label
Input : 2007 0SR9019 - Replace Hip Joint with Metal Syn Subs, Cem, Open
Materials, Hip Joint Metal Synthetic Substitute 1.000 each 880.00 880.00 880.00 OSR9019M1
This equipment is used to replace hip joints.v220a
Labor, Physician 2.000 hour 152.50 305.00 305.00 OSR9019L1
This labor measures the number of hours that a physician spends preparing for, carrying out the hip replacement surgery, and checking on the patient's recovery.
Labor, Nurse 3.000 hour 55.00 165.00 165.00 OSR9019L1
This labor measures the number of hours that a nurse spends with the patient during the course of their surgery (but not during the course of the patient's fully hospital stay).
Labor, Anesthesiologist 2.000 hour 152.50 305.00 305.00 OSR9019L1
This labor measures the number of hours that an an Anesthesiologist spends administering anesthesia during surgery.
Drugs, Anesthesia 1.000 each 165.00 165.00 165.00 OSR9019D1
This measures the cost of the drug used to anesthetize the patient during surgery.
Materials, Surgery 1.000 each 142.00 142.00 142.00 OSR9019M1
These materials are used in the course of surgery and include tape, bandages, sutures, and others.
Drugs, Drug 01 3.500 day 171.00 598.50 598.50 OSR9019D1
This drug is taken post operation to relieve pain.
Room, Hospital Stay 3.500 day 1,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 OSR9019R1
This is the daily charge for staying in the hospital. It covers all expenses.
Overhead, Administrative 7,810.000 0.28 2,186.80 2,186.80 OSR9019A1
Administrative overhead is calculated as 28% of the total surgery cost. The cost includes the facilities, staff, and equipment, associated with the surgery.
Profit 9,997.000 percent 0.21 2,099.37 2,099.37 OSR9019P1
Profit is calculated as 21% of the total surgery cost.
Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Unit Amount Unit Total Unit Cost Service Life P/C Years Yrs From Base Date Altern Type Target Type
Totals 0.00 0.00 12,096.67 12,096.67 12,096.67 637.09
1.00 each 12,096.67 20.00 0.00 0.00 accepted
Description : Sample health care treatment cost used in a tutorial. v220a
Input : 2007 0SR9019a- Orthopedic Evaluation
Orthopedic Doctor Visit 2.000 hour 150.00 300.00 300.00 OSR9019L1
This labor measures the amount of time the physician spends evaluating the patient. The time includes evaluation of the results of patient tests.
Tests, X-Rays 1.000 set 120.00 120.00 120.00 OSR9019T1
These are standard x-rays of the hip area.
Laboratory Fees 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019T1.
Laboratory fees are associated with taking x-rays.
Materials, General 1.000 each 10.00 10.00 10.00 OSR9019M1
These materials include paper dress, room preparation, and sundry materials.
Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Unit Amount Unit Total Unit Cost Service Life P/C Years Yrs From Base Date Altern Type Target Type
Totals 0.00 0.00 440.00 440.00 440.00 24.38
1.00 each 440.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 notaccepted
Description : Sample health care treatment cost used in a tutorial. v220a
Input : 2007 0SR9019b -Hip Replacement Home Recovery
Doctor Visits 4.000 each 150.00 600.00 600.00 OSR9019L1
This labor covers the amount of time the physician spends on recovery visits with the patient.
Physical Therapist Visits 4.000 each 81.00 324.00 324.00 OSR9019L1
This labor covers the amount of time that a physical therapist spends on recovery visits with the patient. This includes the inpatient hospital stay.
Labor, Nurse 2.000 hour 55.00 110.00 110.00 OSR9019L1
This labor includes answering phone calls, minor check ups, and administrative visits.
Drugs, Pain Relief, Drug 01 100.000 pill 5.75 575.00 575.00 OSR9019D1
This drug, Drug 01, is used for pain relief medicine used by the patient. These are taken three times a day for 4 weeks. And then one time a day for two weeks. The references not that a combination of ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Household, Hip Replace Improvements 1.000 each 300.00 300.00 300.00 OSR9019H1
These improvements included installing hand rails in the bathroom, purchasing a walker, and miscellaneous minor repairs.
Transportation, Taxi 400.000 mile 1.25 500.00 500.00 OSR9019H1
These expenses are for hiring a taxi to go shopping and to visit the hospital. Four trips are taken each week for five weeks.
Total OC Total AOH Total CAP Total LCC Total Unit Total EAA
Unit Amount Unit Total Unit Cost Service Life P/C Years Yrs From Base Date Altern Type Target Type
Totals 0.00 0.00 2,409.00 2,409.00 2,409.00 133.50
1.00 each 2,409.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 accepted
Description : Sample health care treatment cost used in a tutorial. v220a
Investment : 0SR9019- Example 2- Replace Hip Joint with Metal Syn Subs, Cem, Open
Dataset: 0SR9019TP- 2007 Exam 2 Hip Replacement Treatment IRI Example 2 of a sample data set used in a health care analysis tutorial.

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